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how to eat sushi, sushi etiquette, the dos and donts of sushi, Japanese food

The Dos and Don’ts of Sushi

When you think Japanese food, “sushi” is probably one of the first food items that come to mind. The Western World has enjoyed this Japanese delicacy since the 1960’s, but likely not all who eat sushi understand the rules of etiquette in eating it.

Understand the ins and outs of eating sushi

Follow these tips and guidelines when you have your next batch of sushi for a fuller appreciation of the food and its rich culture and history.

  • Start with a lighter flavoured fish, such as white fish.
  • Eat heavier fish, such as salmon, after lighter flavoured fish to prevent its bolder flavour from overpowering the white fish’s lighter flavour.
  • Complement the taste of your sushi with a little bit of soy sauce. Too much can overpower the flavour and the freshness of the ingredients.
  • Eat each sushi roll in one bite.


  • Traditionally, soy sauce should only go on the fish. Don’t soak your entire sushi in soy sauce!
  • To preserve the flavour of the fish and for your own nasal safety (wasabi’s very strong!), don’t use too much wasabi.
Other tips to remember:
  • It is acceptable to eat sushi using your hands. This is how sushi is traditionally eaten in Japan.
  • The pink stuff that usually accompanies your tray of sushi is pickled ginger. Pickled finger is meant to be eaten in between each order of fish in order to cleanse your palette.

These tips and guidelines can help shape an amazing dining experience for you. The most important thing to remember is to respect the work that goes into your sushi and to savour each bite!


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